ca. 1860-1961

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating that they understand these restrictions before they will be given access to the collection.

Glass plate negatives and lantern slides of any size are not available for research use. Copy photographs or scans may be available for alternative viewing. Consult the Reference Librarian for more information.

Collection Summary


This collection contains photographs, illustrated journals, and other visual materials collected by members of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts.

Collection Description

The Colonial Society of Massachusetts visual materials collection contains photographs and other visual material relating to and collected by members of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. The collection contains loose photographs and graphics, two volumes of photographs, glass plate negatives, lantern slides, and illustrated journals. The material dates from ca. 1860-1961, and most of the photographers are unidentified.

Two boxes and two oversize boxes contain loose visual materials, including photographs and chromolithographs. The bulk of the loose visual materials, including oversize, contain photographic and photomechanical portraits of various members of the Carnegie, Channing, and Peabody families, among others, as well as portraits of public figures such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Frances Folsom Cleveland. Many of these portraits are copy photographs made from originals not present in the collection. The loose visual materials also contain photographic and chromolithographic views of various places in Europe and the United States, including snapshot photographs of Boston, Mass. taken ca. 1900; a series of unidentified snapshots of a family on their farm near Pennesseewassee Lake in Maine, taken ca. 1898-1904; and photographic reproductions of portrait paintings. The oversize loose photographs additionally contain large, mounted Underwood & Underwood news photographs, originally taken ca. 1919-1935. These photographs, printed for the Addison Gallery of Art in Andover, Mass., depict women marching for suffrage, industry and labor strikes, Prohibition, the Depression, and war-related events on the homefront during World War I, among other subjects. There are also several oversize, mounted documentary photographs taken by the celebrated photographers Margaret Bourke-White and Berenice Abbott, as well as photographic reproductions of political cartoons.

There are two volumes of photographs in the collection. The first volume relates to the unidentified family snapshots in the loose photographs and also contains snapshot photographs of an unidentified family at a farm near Pennesseewasee Lake in Maine, taken ca. 1898-1904. The second volume contains portrait photographs and autographs of members of the Colonial Society; it was probably assembled ca. 1893-1896.

Six boxes contain a number of glass plate negatives and lantern slides. The glass plate negatives are all negative photographic reproductions of portraits of various members of the Crowninshield and Endicott families, all dating from ca. 1901-1924. The photographers are unidentified. The lantern slides depict portraits and reproductions of portrait paintings of prominent Bostonians; buildings, churches, and other architecture of England, France, Spain, and various places in the United States, including Massachusetts and Pennsylvania; and reproductions of maps and plans for the development of the cities of New Haven, Conn. and Washington, D.C., among other subjects. All of the lantern slides were created by A. D. Handy Co. of Boston, ca. 1961.

There is also one box of illustrated journals in this collection. These include issues of the illustrated journals Puck, dating from 1895, and an issue of the Illustrated London News, dating from 27 Aug. 1955.

Acquisition Information

The Colonial Society of Massachusetts visual materials collection was removed from the Colonial Society of Massachusetts collection, which was deposited by the Colonial Society of Massachusetts in Oct. 1991.

Restrictions on Access

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating that they understand these restrictions before they will be given access to the collection.

Glass plate negatives and lantern slides of any size are not available for research use. Copy photographs or scans may be available for alternative viewing. Consult the Reference Librarian for more information.

Restrictions on Use

The Colonial Society of Massachusetts visual materials collection has been placed on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Massachusetts Historical Society does not claim ownership of the copyright to the Underwood & Underwood, Margaret Bourke-White, and Berenice Abbott photographs in this collection. The Massachusetts Historical Society cannot give permission to reproduce photographs or other materials to which it does not hold copyright. Use of these materials does not imply permission to publish. It is the sole responsibility of the researcher to obtain formal permission from the owners of the copyright to reproduce materials in this collection.

All reproductions, including photocopies and digital photographs, are for personal use only. Personal use copies may not be donated to or deposited in other libraries or archives, or made available to other researchers, without the written permission of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Loose visual materials

This series is divided into the following subseries: (A) Portraits; (B) Views; (C) Family snapshots; and (D) Photographs of paintings.

A. Portraits, ca. 1860-1900

Arranged alphabetically.

This subseries contains photograph portraits of various members of the Carnegie, Channing, Curtis, Endicott, and Higginson families, among others. Included are photographs of portrait artwork. There are also a number of unidentified portraits taken by David Hinkle of Germantown, Pa., ca. 1870-1880.

Box 1#53.1
Carnegie, Mary Endicott Chamberlain (1864-1957), Dec. 1921Taken by Lafayette (London, England).
Box 1#53.2
Carnegie, William Hartley (1860-1936), 1923Taken by Swaine (London, England).
Box 1#53.3-4
Channing, Ruth Gibbs (1778-1870), undatedPhotographers unknown; original artists unknown.Photographs of portrait artwork.
Box 1#53.5-9
Channing, William Ellery (1780-1842), undatedPhotographers unknown; original artists unknown.Photographs of portrait artwork.
Box 1#53.10
Channing, William Henry (1780-1842), originally photographed ca. 1840-1842 and published, undatedPhotographer unknown.Photograph of a daguerreotype.
Box 1#53.11
Curtis, Charles Pelham (1860-1948), ca. 1895-1905Photographer unknown.
Box 1#53.12
[DeMille?], M. N., June 1869Taken by Grillet & Co. (Naples, Italy).
Box 1#53.13-14
Higginson, Eliza W. Channing (b. 1834), ca. 1860-1861Taken by Black & Batchelder (Boston, Mass.) and an unidentified photographer.
Box 1#53.14a
Wister, [ ], ca. 1865-1870Photographer unknown.Hand-colored tintype.
Box 1#53.15-29
Unidentified people, ca. 1870-1880Taken by David Hinkle (Germantown, Pa.).
Box 1#53.20-41
Unidentified people, ca. 1870-1900Various photographers.

B. Views, ca. 1870-1913

Arranged alphabetically by place name.

This subseries contains photographic views of various places, including Amsterdam; England; the Garden of the Gods in Colorado; New Hampshire; and various mounted snapshot photographs of Boston, taken in June 1900 by an unknown photographer. There is also one small booklet of chromolithographs entitled "Souvenir of the Beautiful Mississippi River" and published ca. 1913. Most of the photographers are unidentified. Include are film transparencies.

Box 2#53.42-57

C. Family snapshots, ca. 1898-1904

This subseries contains snapshot photographs of an unidentified family, taken ca. 1898-1904. The photographs depict a family farm on the shores of Pennesseewassee Lake in Maine, as well as various family members and views of the surrounding area, most unidentified. One photograph was taken by Jack Wister; the other photographers are unidentified.

See also Vol. 1, Photos. #53.154-255; some of these loose photographs duplicate those in the volume.

Box 2#53.58-73

D. Photographs of paintings, ca. 1880

This subseries contains photographs of paintings, taken ca. 1880 by unidentified commercial photographers. Included is one small bound booklet of photographic reproductions of paintings by Rembrandt, entitled "Souvenir de Rembrandt."

Box 2#53.74-79

II. Oversize visual materials

This series is divided into the following subseries: (A) Oversize portraits; (B) Oversize views; (C) Underwood & Underwood photographs; (D) Documentary photography; (E) Photographs of political cartoons; and (F) Miscellaneous oversize photographs.

A. Oversize portraits, ca. 1860-1940

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

This subseries contains oversize photographs of various people associated with the Colonial Society, including William Francis Channing, William Henry Channing, and George Peabody, among others. There are also portraits of other public figures such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Daniel Webster. Most of the photographers are unidentified.

OS Box 1#53.80
Channing, William Francis (1820-1891), ca. 1860Photographer unknown.
OS Box 1#53.81
Channing, William Francis (1820-1891), ca. 1860-1865Photographer unknown.
OS Box 1#53.82
Channing, William Henry (1810-1884), ca. 1861-1865Taken by Henry Ulke (Washington, D.C.).
OS Box 1#53.83
Channing, William Henry (1810-1884), ca. 1865Photographer unknown.
OS Box 1#53.84
Cleveland, Frances Folsom (1864-1947), ca. 1886Taken by C. M. Bell (Washington, D.C.).
OS Box 1#53.85
Marshall, John (1755-1835), original painting and copy photograph, both undatedPhotographer unknown; originally painted by Jarvis.
OS Box 1#53.85a-b
Members of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, the Humane Society of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Historical Society at "The Farm," Danvers Center, Mass., 12 Aug. 1904Two duplicate photographs.Photographer unknown.

Back row, from left to right: Augustus Hemenway, Henry Sargent Hunnewell, Richard Middlecott Saltonstall, Francis Henry Appleton, Charles Sprague Sargent, William Crowninshield Endicott, John Collins Warren, Francis C. Welch, and William Caleb Loring. Front row, from left to right: Charles Pelham Curtis, John Eliot Thayer, Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, Charles Francis Adams, and Francis Lee Higginson.

OS Box 1#53.86
Peabody, George (1795-1869) at a reception by the school children of Danvers, Mass., 18 Apr. 1867Taken by Charles W. Stiff.
OS Box 1#53.87
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945), ca. 1940Photographer unknown.
OS Box 1#53.88
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), ca. 1901-1909Photographer unknown.Copy photograph.
OS Box 1#53.89
Shaw, Lemuel (1781-1861), ca. 1853Taken by Southworth & Hawes (Boston, Mass.).Copy photograph of a daguerreotype.
OS Box 1#53.90
Supreme Court justices, 1882-1937Taken by C. M. Bell, Mathew Brady, Prince, and Harris & Ewing (Washington, D.C.).Mounted magazine clippings.
OS Box 1#53.91
Webster, Daniel (1782-1852), ca. 1850-1852Photographer unknown.Copy photograph.
OS Box 1#53.92-118
Unidentified people, ca. 1851-1940Photographers unknown.Most of these photographs are mounted copy photographs.

B. Oversize views, ca. 1870-1880

This subseries contains one oversize view of the Fisher family house in New Bedford, Mass. It was taken ca. 1870-1880 by an unidentified photographer.

OS Box 2#53.119

C. Underwood & Underwood photographs, ca. 1919-1935

Arranged in numerical order according to the Addison Gallery accession numbers printed on the verso of each photograph.

This subseries contains oversize, mounted copy photographs of Underwood & Underwood news photos, originally taken ca. 1919-1935. These photographs are all identified as having come from the Addison Gallery of Art at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. and were probably created for an exhibit there in 1943. Subjects include women marching for suffrage, labor strikes, the Depression, Prohibition, factories and industry, World War I, and other major events of the early 20th century.

OS Box 2#53.120-144

D. Documentary photographs, ca. 1929-1955

This subseries contains oversize photographs taken by the celebrated photographers Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971) and Berenice Abbott (1898-1991). There are two photographs by Bourke-White that depict the Ford Factory in River Rouge, Mich. and machinery at the American Woolen Company, as well as two photographs of a lumberjack and a felled tree taken by Berenice Abbott for the Red River Lumber Company.

OS Box 2#53.145-148

E. Photographs of political cartoons, ca. 1870-1921

This subseries contains oversize, mounted copy photographs of political cartoons, originally dating from ca. 1870-1921. The photographer is unknown.

OS Box 2#53.149-152

F. Miscellaneous

This subseries contains a mounted photograph of a painting entitled "Monitor and Merrimac," painted in 1883 by Warren Shepard. The photographer is unknown.

OS Box 2#53.153

III. Photograph albums

A. Vol. 1. Family photograph album, ca. 1898-1904

This volume contains snapshot photographs of an unidentified family, taken ca. 1898-1904. The photograph depict a family farm near Pennessewassee Lake in Maine, as well as views of the surrounding area and various family members. The photographer is unknown. Loose photographs removed from the volume are stored with the volume.

See also Photos. #53.58-73.

Box 3Vol. 1#53.154-255

B. Vol. 2 (oversize). The Colonial Society of Massachusetts Portraits and Autographs of Members photograph album, 1893-1896

Arranged in the order in which they appear in the volume.

This oversize volume contains mounted photographs of members of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, collected between 1893-1896. Some pages contain autographs only. The photographers are all unknown, as are the dates of the photographs, except where indicated. There are a number of blank pages at the end of the volume that are marked with the names of members who did not contribute photographs or autographs.

Vol. 2#53.256
Gould, Benjamin Apthorp (1824-1896)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Lowell, JohnAutograph only.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Saltonstall, Leverett (1825-1895)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.257
Endicott, William (1826-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.258
Edes, Henry Herbert (1849-1922)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.259
[Inches?], John U.Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.260
Slade, Daniel Denison (1823-1896)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.261
Thayer, James Bradley (1831-1902)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.262
Davis, Andrew McFarland (1833-1920)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.263
Cunningham, Henry Winchester (b. 1860)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.264
Hilton, G. ArthurIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.265
Woods, Henry Ernest (1857-1919)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.266
Rackemann, Charles Sedgwick (1857-1933)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.267
Goodell, Abner Cheney (1831-1914)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.268
Wigglesworth, George (1853-1930)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.269
Lowell, Francis Cabot (1855-1911)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Lincoln, Waldo (1849-1933)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.270
Wells, SamuelIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.271
Goodwin, William Watson (1831-1912)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.272
Hale, George Silsbee (1825-1897)Photograph of portrait painting. Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Sears, Joshua Montgomery (d. 1905)Memorandum from Sears and autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.273
Andrew, John Forrester (1850-1895)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.274
Wheelwright, Edward (1824-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.275
Johnson, SamuelIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.276
Quincy, H. P.Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Bacon, Edwin Monroe (1844-1916)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.277
Weld, William G.Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.278
Chandler, Seth Carlo (1846-1913)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.279
Williams, [illegible]Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.280
Peirce, James Mills (1834-1906)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.281
Green, Charles Montraville (1850-1928)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.282
Lawrence, William (1850-1921)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.283
Dwight, Theodore Frelinghuysen (1846-1917)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.284
Williams, HenryIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Sears, Philip H.Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.285
Walker, Francis Amasa (1840-1897)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Balch, Francis Vergnies (1839-1898)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.286
Kittredge, George Lyman (1860-1941)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.287
Lane, George Martin (1823-1897)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.288
Ames, James Barr (1846-1910)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Clifford, Charles Warren (1861-1916)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.289
Hemenway, Augustus (1853-1931)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.290
Lane, Gardiner MartinIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.291
Toppon, Robert Noxon (1836-1901)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.292
Wigglesworth, Edward (1840-1896)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.293
Paine, Nathaniel (1832-1917)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Gay, Frederick Lewis (1856-1916)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.294
Noble, John (1829-1909)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.295
Thorndike, Samuel Lothrop (1829-1911)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.296
Fuller, Melville Weston (1833-1910)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.297
Unidentified manNo autograph.
Vol. 2#53.298
Ware, DarwinIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.299
Chase, Charles A.Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.300
Choate, Charles Francis (1866-1927)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.301
Parkman, Francis (1823-1893)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.302
Brimmer, Martin (1829-1896)Engraving. Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.303
Bowditch, Charles Pickering (1842-1921)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.304
Williams, George Fred. (1832-1932)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.305
Baylies, Walter Cabot (b. 1862)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.306
Brewster, FrankIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.307
Williston, Samuel (1861-1963)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Butler, SigourneyTypescript letter and autograph only.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Cunningham, StanleyAutograph only.
Vol. 2#53.308
Austin, James Walker (1829-1895)Include autograph.
Vol. 2#53.309
Olney, Richard (1835-1917)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.310
Lincoln, Francis Henry (1846-1911)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.311
Thayer, William Roscoe (1859-1923)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.312
Williamson, William Cross (1831-1903)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.313
Green, Samuel Swett (1837-1918)
Vol. 2#53.314
Peabody, Endicott (1857-1944)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.315
Russell, William Eustis (1957-1896), 1892Taken by Elmer Chickering (Boston, Mass.).Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.316
Carter, Franklin (1837-1919)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.317
Wolcott, Roger (1847-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.318
Lathrop, John (1835-1910)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.319
Everett, Charles Carroll (1829-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.320
Barker, James Madison (1835-1905)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.321
Channing, Walter (1849-1921)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.322
Porter, Edward Griffin (1837-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.323
Endicott, William Crowninshield (1826-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.324
Goodale, George Lincoln (1839-1923)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.325
Howe, Archibald Murray (b. 1848)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.326
Allen, Joseph Henry (1820-1898)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.327
Phelps, Edward John (1822-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.328
Johnson, Edward Francis (1856-1922)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.329
Tucker, George Fox (1852-1929)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.330
Shattuck, George Otis (1829-1897)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.331
Wheelwright, Edmund March (1854-1912)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.332
Piper, William TaggardIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.333
Sedgwick, Henry Dwight (1824-1903)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.334
Babson, Robert TillinghastIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.335
Black, George [illegible]Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Cleveland, Grover (1837-1908)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.336
Bartlett, JohnIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.337
Whitney, A. [R.?]Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.338
Lawrence, [Arthur?]Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.339
Clarke, Eliot Channing (1845-1921)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.340
Davis, Charles Henry (1845-1921)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Hooper, Edward W.Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.341
Taft, Henry Walbridge (1818-1904)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Homans, John (1857-1902)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.342
Sanford, John EliotIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.343
Nash, Nathaniel C.Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Conant, Ernest LeeAutograph only.
Vol. 2#53.344
Parker, Henry AinsworthIncludes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.345
Choate, Joseph Hodges (1832-1917)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.346
Hudson, John Elbridge (1839-1900)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.347
Mason, Charles F.Includes autograph.
Vol. 2[omitted]
Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark (1852-1926)Autograph only.
Vol. 2#53.348
Saltonstall, Richard Middlecott (1859-1922)Includes autograph.
Vol. 2#53.349
Matthews, Albert (1860-1946)Includes autograph.

III. Glass plate negatives, ca. 1901-1924

This series contains 7 medium and 1 large glass plate negatives, all of which are portraits of various Crowninshield and Endicott family members. Some of the negatives are photographs of portrait paintings, and some also include manuscript notes or envelopes that were originally stored with the negatives. The negatives were taken ca. 1901-1924 by unidentified photographers.


Please note that glass plate negatives are stored in a separate collection: Glass plates/lantern slides--collections (Photo. Coll. 6).

Glass plate negatives, glass plate positives, and lantern slides of any size are not available for research use. Copy photographs or scans may be available for alternative viewing. Consult the Reference Librarian for more information.

Medium glass plate negative box 1#6.10.1M-7M#53.350-356
Portraits of Crowninshield and Endicott family members, ca. 1901-1924Photographers unknown.
Large glass plate negative box 1#6.10.8L#53.357
Portrait of William Crowninshield Endicott (1860-1936), undatedPhotographer unknown.

IV. Lantern slides, ca. 1961

This series contains 111 lantern slides, most of them made by A. D. Handy Co. of Boston, Mass. and depicting buildings, churches, and other architecture of England, France, Spain, and various places in the United States, including Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. These slides include maps and plans for the development of the cities of New Haven, Conn. and Washington, D.C. There are also a number of slides of reproductions of portrait photographs and paintings of prominent Bostonians, as well as a few that depict pages from a June 1961 issue of Mademoiselle magazine. Most of the slides were probably made ca. 1961.


Please note that glass plate negatives are stored in a separate collection: Glass plates/lantern slides--collections (Photo. Coll. 6).

Glass plate negatives, glass plate positives, and lantern slides of any size are not available for research use. Copy photographs or scans may be available for alternative viewing. Consult the Reference Librarian for more information.

Lantern slide box 1#53.358-364#6.10.9S-15S
Portraits, undated
Lantern slide box 1#53.365-375#6.10.16S-26S
Reproductions of portrait paintings, undated
Lantern slide box 1#53.376-377#6.10.27S-28S
Reproductions of Paul Revere engravings, undated
Lantern slide box 1#53.377-379#6.10.29S-31S
Views: England, undatedReproductions from publications.
Lantern slide box 1#53.380-381#6.1032S-33S
Views: France, undated
Lantern slide box 1#53.382-389#6.10.34S-41S
Views: Spain, undated
Lantern slide box 2#53.390-408#6.10.42S-59S
Views: United States - Massachusetts, undated and ca. 1898-1958

Included are various views of churches in Ashmont, Cambridge, and Groton; views of Boston, including the construction of the Boston Globe building in 1955-1958; and of other historic buildings in Longwood and Topsfield.

Lantern slide box 2#53.409-413#6.10.60S-64S
Views: United States - Connecticut - New Haven, maps of, 1641-1868Reproductions of printed material.
Lantern slide box 2#53.514-517#6.10.65S-68S
Views: United States - Pennsylvania - Philadelphia - Athenaeum of Philadelphia, undated
Lantern slide boxes 2-3#53.518-550#6.10.69S-101S
Views: United States - Washington, D.C., undated and 1961

Included are views of the city, as well as reproductions of maps, models, and plans of the city from the Pierre L'Enfant's original plan, the Senate Parks Commission Plan of 1901, and the city's Plan for Year 2000, created in 1961. Many of the plans are reproduced from publications.

Lantern slide box 3#53.551-555#6.10.102S-106S
Views: Unidentified, undated
Lantern slide box 4#53.556-560#6.10.107S-111S
Reproductions of cover, advertisements, and pages from Mademoiselle magazine, June 1961

VI. Illustrated journals, 1895 and 1955

This series contains issues of the illustrated journals Puck, dating from 1895, and an issue of the Illustrated London News, dating from 27 Aug. 1955.

OS Box 3

Preferred Citation

Colonial Society of Massachusetts visual materials collection, Photo. Coll. 53, Massachusetts Historical Society Photo Archives.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Abbott, Berenice, 1898- , photographer.
Bourke-White, Margaret, 1904-1971, photographer.
Channing family--Photographs.
Crowninshield family--Photographs.
Endicott family--Photographs.


Colonial Society of Massachusetts--Photographs.
Underwood & Underwood, photographers.


Architecture, Europe--Photographs.
Architecture, United States--Photographs.
Cartes de visite.
City planning--Washington (D.C.)--Photographs.
Documentary photography.
Film transparencies.
Glass plate negatives.
History--Societies, etc.--Massachusetts--Photographs.
Illustrated periodicals.
Lantern slides.
Photomechanical prints.
Political cartoons--Photographs.
Portrait painting, American--Photographs.
Women photographers.